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Monday, October 31, 2011

Taiwan- Part 3

We went to Taipei, Taiwan for the last 4 days of our trip. I really wished i didn't buy so much in Hong Kong because i loved the clothes more in Taiwan. I really had to control myself because my two suitcases were already over the limit.

The memorial near our hotel

Taiwan is all about scooters! People watch cars, cars do not watch people.
looking down from Taipei 101

the Taipei 101 guys
We stayed at Hotel 73
such a lovely room

We went to the modern toilet restaurant 
DOMO machine! omg! tried 5 times, couldn't get one :(
My giant taro/mango ice cream
@ nine pieces. The movie "spirited away" was based on this place

a famous siu long bao place

sad faces because vacation is over :(

at the Taiwan airport. they have a Hello Kitty Gate!
hello kitty phones

Ready to board

Next post: FOOD PORN!


  1. The viewsss <3 That hotel room looks so cool. I've never seen anything like it! I pretty much died when I saw your ice cream picture haha.

  2. whoa!! that's a huge ice cream cone! and how cute are the hello kitty phones!

  3. looks like you had an amazing vacation!!! ahhh the ever so popular HK terminal hahaha i've paid it quite a few visits! def makes sitting arnd in the airport more interesting :D

  4. I'm so jealous of your trip it looks so awesome. All those wonderful places to visit! Also your hotel room is so awesome.

  5. Ohh I've been to that memorial place haha like 20 years ago when I was little. I wish I could go to Taiwan again. Looks like you had a lot of fun. I want some of your ice cream!! Nomnomnom.

  6. Omg, are you Taiwanese? Taiwan's airport is like a DREAM!!!!!!!!! I love your passport thing! I love Domo!!

  7. i'm so jelly!! you went to my motherland.. i haven't been back to taiwan in so long :( :( i'm glad you got to eat the toliet place haha i just think that place is so funny :p
