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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cleaning up the closet

Decided to clean out the closet and throw away some old clothes. Well actually donate them to the salvation army. Even after 46 pieces of clothing that i had gotten rid of, the closet still seems very tight. I have so much clothes that i know i don't wear anymore, and yet some piece i really can't say goodbye to. Even with the ones i had gotten rid of were hard to say goodbye, mainly because some is either i have only worn them once or twice, or some not even once and still has the tag on them. I know i'm terrible, especially when it comes to clothes. I splurge like crazy...can you imagine how much money i wasted?


  1. awww you could set up a blog shop so other people can shop your closet!

  2. haha i thought about that, but then i don't think anyone would want my old clothes anyways haha

  3. You got rid of 46 pieces of clothing? I feel like that's half of the number of clothes I have. Good donating them though.

  4. omg i so know what you mean.. i wear so many things only once or twice.. and some not at ALL!! :( hahaha

  5. Oh you just reminded me I need a closet purge, my BF has been bugging me too since I have too many things I haven't worn in a while.

  6. I know the pain, I know the pain. I got rid of a lot of my clothes and i STILL feel like I can't find anything in my closet. :P
