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Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommy's out there!

Had dinner with my family today at Diamond Banquet Hall @ First Markham Place for Mother's Day Celebration including my boyfriend and my grandmother.

love the golden spoon

Found an N shaped carrot=)

Mom and grandma
roses for mom and grandma

the family

bf, brother and i
my dad looks so mischievous sometimes
how cute, i didn't realize they had matching reading glasses

Love you Mom!


  1. Awww I love how your parents just whipped out their reading glasses when they started reading the menu =D and matching too? How cute!!!

  2. awww you guys had such a nice mother's day dinner!! we had hot pot tonight weeeee =].. thanks for following back...i didnt expect it =] hehe... and to answer ur Q..nop, u dont need an invite to the warehouse on the may 15th/16th!! how awesome is that!?!?! ^^

  3. awwww~ your family is so cute! ^^ Love how your mom & dad have matching reading glasses~ SO CUTE!! ><

  4. Cute pictures! I hope you guys had a good time. :)

  5. aww your parents are so cute :) haha

  6. So cute!!! Your parents are so adorable!!

    Adore you and your bf you guys are the cutest couple ever!!

    Omgosh I would have jacked that spoon just so i could make it my golden ice screen spoon HAHA wouldn't that be the most awesomest ice cream spoon ever??? Hehehe

  7. what a nice celebration! love the golden spoon but ... excuse me if the answer is obvious... what's the N stand for?? :P

  8. That seems like a great mothers day that you had/ gave your mums!!! My fam didn't go out but we bought her a cake and a swarovski bunny, she loves those and collects them, we give her at least one or two each year! Unfortunately my dog knocked some over and broke some of them! =( bad doggie!

    Wow you bought your bf almost everything!!! Hmmm Im not sure then because everything else is probably very expensive right? Sometimes my bf and I will buy each other just one gift a year but it will be an expensive gift, the bad thing is that you will have to put out a lot of money at one time hahaha but then you're good for a year!!! =D How about a new tv? Or maybe offer to split with him? ( my bf loves tv's -.-) or a gas gift card? <--no seriously, gas is so expensive these days! I wish I could be of better help but Im also in this dilemma myself T_T I used to get my hun expensive snowboarding stuff but now he has everything (jacket, pants, board etc.) so I have NO idea what to get him, he also has a nice wallet already, new iphone, two TV's, a mac laptop, *sigh* YES why can't they be easy like girls! A purse each year sounds very fair =D Since purses are so expensive! Oh if you can afford it maybe you can take you and your bf on a small trip? Maybe just a few days for somewhere close by and get pampered =) Does your bf like cars? Maybe something for his car if he does? My bf and I have been together for 4 yrs and it's getting h a r d e r each year for me haha. I would make him home made gifts but then I feel bad because he spends so much money on me that a home made cake just does not justify! Now we go on vacation together as gifts for each other, meaning he pays for his part and I pay for mines and we get to go together! It's really nice to travel together, we've been to hong kong, tokyo, florida and now hopefully paris in the fall =)

  9. thank u :D chiang mai was lovely during my time of visit as it wasn't hot XD although there was sun.

  10. Super late but ah what the heck! You might get this a lot but... I see the resemblance XD That place looks so nice.
